Wednesday, 31 March 2010


My name is Esteban and this blog is about a robot that I'm building. First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm electronic engineer and currently I'm working for an important automotive supplier company. I'm working in the drivers layer of modules that control some car functionalities like lights, wipers, doors...

When I was a child I liked to play with lego and some years ago I started to build robots with it. Then I started to study electronics to learn how to control these robots. In the first design, I made a simple board with a couple of transistors bridge connected to a parallel port in a computer and I made a simple program to mode the motors. Then I was improving the robot and the electronics and currently I'm working in a new board based on a Atmega64. It's an atmel 8-bits microcontroller with all the necessary like A/D converters, enough general purpose I/O to control all I want, two uarts, 4 timers, PWM outputs...

My objective is to use this blog to put all the information about it and the project progress.